On 23 June 2015, Mrs. Sutthiluck Sa-ngarmangkang, Consul-General of Thailand in Vancouver and other Consuls-General of ASEAN countries in Vancouver discussed with Associate Professor Yves Tiberghien, Director of Institute of Asian Research, the University of British Columbia (UBC) and faculty members. The Director informed the meeting that now UBC attached greater importance to ASEAN and wished to strengthen its cooperation with ASEAN in various ways such as organizing a round table discussion to reflect ASEAN’s points of view, opening a dual degree program with universities in ASEAN member countries and taking students for field trips in ASEAN.
On this occasion, the Consul-General suggested UBC to enhance its cooperation with universities and organizations in ASEAN such as ASEAN University Network to establish joint academic curricula, and ASEAN Foundation to establish track 2 cooperation.