On 2 March 2016, Mrs. Sutthiluck Sa-ngarmangkang, Consul-General of Thailand in Vancouver, extended a warm welcome and provided a briefing on an overview of Canadian Economy and Energy to Thai delegations from Thailand Board of Investment, led by Deputy Secretary General Ajarin Pattanapanchai, and Federation of Thai Industries, led by President Pichai Thinsantisuk. The two delegations attended the GLOBE 2016 Vancouver which was held in Vancouver during 2-4 March 2016.
The briefing about Canada covered a wide range of topics such as 1) introduction of Canada 2) Thailand – Canada bilateral relations 3) Canada’s economic and environmental policies 4) Canada’s energy policies; conventional and renewable energy 5) the Consulate-General’s plan to promote cooperation in energy sector between Thailand and Western Canada.
The participants expressed their interests on the briefing and actively exchanged views and information with a view to promoting and expanding their cooperation in energy sector with Canada.